Moleskine   to bring always with you a piece of Italy

Moleskine to bring always with you a piece of Italy by valerio farace from italy

designer's own words:

in files 1 and 2 used only the actual moleskine text logo, with some abstract line inspired to the davinci fly machine; them want to recall in mind a sense of absolute freedom and great winged creativity
in files 3, 4, 5, 6 used the outline of the milan cathedral, one of the symbols of the city where is the base of the moleskine company. think it's a good idea to underline the origins of this great brand

Flymachine on Black

logomoleskine1b.png Flymachine on White

logomoleskine3b.png MilanMoleskine Black on White

logomoleskine3a.png MilanMoleskine White on Black

logomoleskine4b.png MilanMoleskine 2 Black on White

logomoleskine4a.png MilanMoleskine 2 White on Black