Moleskine, the artist

Moleskine, the artist by vivian colombo from spain

designer's own words:

A reference book of our time, like a pencil, a brush, is part of the creative process that leads to the conclusion of the Great Work. Moleskine has everything you need to be part of this creative process, giving rise to the Big Bang of ideas. But, I needed to sign your great work.
The firm Moleskinerie reminds us of big names of authors of our time, sure, were embodied in a sheet of Moleskine.
What's behind a work of art? A Big Bang of ideas. With this symbol, I want to pass the origin, the beginning of everything.


bocetos_1logo.jpg logo only

bocetos_1isotipo.jpg isotype

bocetos_1isotipo_peque.jpg isotype with a lot of play