Moleskine lovers by maria sansalvado from spain
designer's own words:
the assignment
creating a logo for moleskinerie.com, the official blog of moleskine . the project is a branding exercise for the concept “moleskine lovers”
the conception: for moleskine lovers
beyond the blog, we wanted to create a clear and very emphatic symbol, with 100% moleskine personality that identifies this feeling of love for the brand using a casual tone and an internationally recognizable symbol
the graphic solution
01_identification with the original brand from moleskine. we wanted to keep the simplicity of the moleskine brand. we did not want a split, but a continuous line with a symbol that associates the new brand with the concept of "lovers". we've reached this working on a essentially typographic mark that adds the value of a symbol. the typeface created specifically for the occasion, draws a parallel with the typography of “moleskine” (coperplate), although the new version is lightened to bring it closer, versatile and dynamic.
02_the symbol.
By creating a symbol, we wanted to reach 5 objectives:
1. transmit love / passion for moleskine
2. interrelationship, united in the blog.
3. we are all one: links between the brand (moleskine) and its lovers (moleskinerie bloggers). inspiration in the paperclip (typical desktop object used to hold together two or more pieces of paper ) as a concept for the union
4. versatile. functional in any medium, size and application, especially in all kind of gadgets.
5. international. a symbol intelligible in any culture.
03_the color
as with the corporate brand from moleskine, the weight rests on typography communication and, in this new brand, on its symbol. a symbol full of content that allows the brand to work in black and white or in the corporate color (pantone 485), when allowed, to accentuate the meaning. Simple and, therefore, applicable in any medium.
in summary. creativity, versatility and elegance, with 100% soul moleskine.
logos on white
logos on black
logo with baseline
mother and lovers
symbol and gadget
application in blog