Mobikoma by Kamil Izrailov from russia
designer's own words:
Conceptual cell phone / the tablet computer «Mobikoma».
Multifunction combined device. Consists from elements.
Every element can fasten to other with the help of micro-locks. Each element has own power supply and own computing processor. More elements connected in one device more productive and long working it will be. There are two key elements in which are dynamic and a microphone. And in each of them you can put a sim-card and keep the phone memory.
For user’s comfort there are special symbols on the back surface. From two of these concept elements you can design mini cell phone sized 22mm X 44mm X 6mm. On the key elements there are programmed buttons. Other elements are without buttons. On the lateral surfaces in the middle of the fixing tape there are apertures. The locks of elements become apart after pushing by pin or similar subject in these apertures. And you can design a new needed form from these elements. The touch screen needs thermal and kinetic operator energy for charging with the help of special adapter. This tablet has all kinds of wireless communication (wi-fi). Maximal size can be 1,5m X 2m. It’s very comfort to use several devices for connecting in one general tablet.
Need big display? Buy one more device!
54 el/ the tablet computer «Mobikoma»
2 el/ little cell phone «Mobikoma»
18 el/ cell phone – backside «Mobikoma»