Mnote, Mnemonic Note by benjamin xue from singapore
designer's own words:
Mnemonic Note
Our senses are constantly feeding our brains with information about our environment to allow us to react to our surroundings and at the same time shape our perception of our world. Noticing how our memory is intrinsically linked to our perception, it led to imaging how our senses are able to help with our memory, in particularly, our ability to remember or retain information.
In the fast moving world that we live in, we are constantly bombarded with different information, leading to over stimulation of our senses. Over time, we become desensitised to new information and lose the ability to retain information like tasks to do today, the grocery list, our examination notes and the list goes on...
Mnemonic Note, or Mnote in short, is a writing pad specially designed to take advantage of our senses to forge better memory, helping us with retaining important information. Mnote consists of a series of note-taking styles which turn information into a form that the brain better retains than when in its original form. Mnote users will now be able to take notes creatively on the different note-taking canvases and recall the information by recalling the semantics relating to that Mnote canvas.
Let your creativity flow into your memory.
Mnote, Mnemonic Note
Different Mnote canvases
One Mnote canvas for each occasion
Recall the information by recalling the semantics relating to that Mnote canvas.
Mnote comes in different sizes and mediums to fit your creative needs.