mld roda by eduardo dias schmith from brazil
designer's own words:
MLD RODA, at first, was designed to be an “infantile” furniture composed of table (High = 65 cm, diameter = 20” bicycle tire) and bench (High = 35 cm, diameter = 20” bicycle tire), but its design is so unusual that it can be used as a rack, side table, center tables, or even “tiny” stools.
The product is endowed with pertinent characteristics to your purpose: favorable ergonomic relationship, absence of cutting edges, notable funny aspect, resistant to activities of moderate intensity. In the displacement need, this can be made of a very simple and dynamic way: only lie down the little table... and roll it until the future point.
MLD RODA is a piece of furniture quite pretentious: its purpose is to attract the consumer for your unusual design and your pure lines. In concept, MLD RODA is a “mobile-furniture” ( móvel - móvel, in Portuguese ). We know that the teenagers are always changing the position furniture or altering the composition of their room. To have more space to dance in pajamas and socks or because they are simply "tired of the view"...
The cover is a cut and shaped piece of MDF with colored bicycle tires (blue, red, yellow) applied on border. The base is a chrome-plated metal tube.
one more picture…