miss mommy spoon

miss mommy spoon by inna alesina from usa

designer's own words:

Comfort object, an old silver tea spoon that belonged to my great grand mother is still in my drawer among other stainless steel flatware.
It was used for it’s antimicrobial properties to keep water in the jug fresh. It kept hot tea from cracking the glass cups, by absorbing extra heat and when polished it used to send reflective sun specks jumping around our kitchen on sunny mornings. Busy moms may not have time for a tea, but there is a need for silver spoon in everyday life, that is why here is a Miss Mommy Spoon.
Mom have to be a doctor, cook, entertainer, clean up crew and do dozens other jobs. She uses screw driver and an electric drill, but everyday she can use her special gadget.
Possible uses include:
Flat polished area to be used as a small mirror.
Baby feeding away from home.
Can be used to cool liquids fast.
Small hole and concave polished area works like an E.N.T. doctor’s mirror.
Half and quarter spoon measurement marks for liquids.
Cool antimicrobial compress on case of scrape or bruise.
Makeshift rattle made with any metal ring.
Reflective light toy.


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