Mirror Games by geoff muskett from uk
designer's own words:
Bathrooms are too often dull places, made more fun by accessories like rubber ducks, and behaviour like drawing on a misty mirror.
Mirror Games originated directly from this observation. As the bathroom steams up, Mirror Games come to life. Families, couples and individuals can play the games by simply finger drawing on the misty mirror. Even when your bathroom is not in use, Mirror Games are a contemporary and entertaining decoration creating a scattered reflection of those who enter.
Bathrooms are now fun and happy places, and bath time is an exciting event for adults and even the most reluctant children.
Games include:
o Noughts and Crosses
o Lines and Squares
o Pipelayer
o Sprouts
o Complete the Face
o Dot to Dot
o Maze
o Crossword
o Life Test
o Learning Maths
o Learning Spelling
Mirror Games are a fun and contemporary decoration
When the bahroom steams up Mirror Games come to life!