
mindmirror by wegner christian from germany

designer's own words:

What kind of furniture does a teenager need? What does
a teenager think is cool?
At the age of 12 to 18 a children become teenagers.
They establish their characters and develop their own
way of behaving. The outward appearance becomes really
important. They orientate themselves by their
surrounding area and identify themselves with music
and popstars. Childrens’ birthdays become parties.
Next to school, life is mainly about friends and fun.
The young people start to travel without their
parents. Also they form the first partnerships. The
time as a teenager is very exciting and varied. The
weeks are full of appointments and dates. And you
don’t want to miss anything under no circumstances.
Therefore I designed the Mindmirror. This mirror takes
over the function of a pinboard or of a calender. It
is a collecting tank for letters, pictures, telephon
numbers, cinema tickets, reminding notes, jewelry
etc... all in all everything what is important.
Flexible arms lead from the mirror, which contain
pliable metal wire. At the end of each arm a clip is
set in. According to the importance the arms or rather
the notes can be brought in the appropriate position,
this way you cannot miss any appointment.


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