
mimetix by eric urrieta from mexico

designer's own words:

Adolescence is a very important period in the development and definition of the individual´s personality. In this phase of development, identity plays an important role, because it creates links in which individuals find issues where they can develop in a better way.

Image always plays an important aspect in definition of identity; it can be a good point reference of any concept by association. Besides it can be also a reaffirming element that allows creating relations with people with the same social group -a good example of it is garments-.

I consider important to propose an object that adapt to the quick cultural changes that are happening. Good products prevail in time and easily adapt to this changes.

Objective: to create a functional product, neutral and versatile with a long life; besides utilization of materials that can be recycled on future.

Mimesis is a natural coevolutive phenomenal that allow conservation and survival of species, if we took this example in an analog for an object design, this must adjust their appearance and follow this way stay in time and subsist to the fashion.

Function: my proposal is a lamp table with low energy consume, customizable by images that can be changed following the individual taste, it allows adapt to the always changing tastes of the adolescents.

This function can be performing by impressions or drawings that function as a lamp screen; options are unlimited because also can be using color focus.

This lamp can be arranged in any social context because his production and market cost is low.
Material: plastic acrylic, fluorescent bulb, socket, cable & interrupter, impression in acetate or paper.

-Manual Production: sheet acrylic pieces fitted by a numeric router, manual paste of sheets and ensemble of components.

-Industrial Production: acrylic plastic pieces are injected (cubes) and manual ensemble of components.

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