Milla by matteo roberto onofri from finland
designer's own words:
Milla is a kind of armchair made for relax and enjoy the time for chill out, is really comfortable, is possible to sit in many different position and is even possible to sleep in there( it has been tested); this can append because of the structure that it take the idea of an hammock that leave enough space, so the chair it adapt its self over the user.
The object is composed from 2 elements: the structure in bended metal pipe, and the fabric part, that is created following the basic concepts of a regular pillow, that it made possible to take out the foam and wash the fabric; those two elements are connected together by simple hinge that permit to change and reverse the fabric part.
All the structure it weight about 10 kg and it can resist to 300(tested) and the armchair is enough big to permit at 2 person to stay over it. The weight it become important cause it permit to move and replace the object in the ambient as much as we want .
This kind of object it has born after few thought concerning the qualities that an armchair has to have: ergonomy, way of using the object and comfort, tiring to satisfies the need of personalize our own furniture and to have the chance to live those in our moving society.
How it look
How it is