METRONOMA by 横田佳歩 from japan

designer's own words:

Our Background:
Our group name is OHTOTSU, which means unevenness because Satoru is very tall and I’m very short.
He and I have met only 3 times, but we hit it off like old friends from the first day we met in Korea last year.
We are student of the Asia Designer’s Assembly called ‘ADA’ in Korea 2012 and in Taiwan 2013.
We are in different university now, but this time we paired up to be an international product designer together.

Our Process:
Our suggestion includes 3 types of curiosity.
First, our work is curiosity. And another one is people’s curiosity about the product, and the other is our curiosity of their curiosity.

We thought that people’s CURIOSITY comes from DISCORD.
There are so many harmony we can feel in our dairy life.
But if there are any strange things we have never seen before or occur something unusual,
what do people do? We are curious about that.

‘Flash mob’ is one of example of discord, we thought.
This discord and strange things make people’s curiosity, we think.
So, we decided to our works keyword HARMONY, DISCORD andSTRANGE.

Metronome is an instrument, which makes harmony by shaking a hand and using sound.
If it makes discord, what do people think?
And if they know it is strange and makes discord, what do people do?
We suppose that people’s action about this discord makes another harmony.
And we are curious about that.
So our suggestion includes 3 types of curiosity.

His Function:
1. He can sense people near by him. And he can move automatically.
2. He only move when people stopping around him under 2 meters.
3. Stopping people near and near by him, his moving will faster like his pounding heart.

His details:
1. He is made like a general plastic metronome except a motion sensor, graduations and a battery.
2. His motion sensor can sense people 2 meters ahead.
3. His move automatically by using a battery.

people moving
people stopping
[jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=”″ html5_file=”″ download_file=”″]
