memorica by Mayank kaushal from india
designer's own words:
Material : Resin
Project Name : Memorica
Category : Jewellery
Idea of the project is to Preserve your old memories in a contemporary way. the most effective way to preserve your memory is to wear it and hence the memorica jewellery comes into the role.Hence, most of us have the memory of we play, we preserve the things which we like it and try to keep things.taking inspiration from this thought..this jewellery comes into existence that , we preserve things of child hood like games we play-dices, teddy bear, paper origami-the planes we made out of paper and preserve it in such a way that we can carry with ourselves and attached with our past.
The main process to make this jewellery is to preserve the things in resin, which is stayed forever and gives u a immense pleasure.
Final Product – memorica ( Costume cum contemporary Jewellery)Memorica Necklace Memorica EarringsNecklace in different viewExplorationsExplorations