Melody Door by bokumchoi bokum from korea
designer's own words:
Door is a big square of wood. You have no idea who is coming into your room.
What if someone comes into your room without knock? What if someone forget to knock?
Don't worry. MELODY DOOR will safe you. It will notice that people are getting into your room every moment. I designed door which combined with xylophone, so xylophone would be played by someone who was coming into room.
MELODY DOOR is a door handle with xylophone. When your door was opened, you could listen to the melody of xylophone. Not only it made you enjoyed the music but also it was caution that someone would get into your room.
Pieces of xylophone are on the bottom frame and stick combine with handle. when people turn the handle of the door, the xylophone is played. As ball of stick is rolling, MELODY DOOR can make sound of xylophone. Melody Handle lets people who are inside know someone is going to get into room. This item make people feel good as well.
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