meet fun nen

meet fun nen by avi hori from israel

designer's own words:

What are the needs of a typical teenager?
Researches propose various answers, such as a growing need for empathy, mood swings, inability to make “executive decisions”, etc. However, interviewing teenagers we learned that they all opt for “coolness”, and mostly value togetherness, looking foreword to the next time they meet their friends and have fun together.
MEET-FUN-NEN is the teenagers’ ultimate furniture catering for these needs.
The design is based on a concept of a multi-functional couch, that gives teenagers the freedom to decide and choose.
It offers a solution for standard - size spaces as it opens up, allowing transfer from solitude into socialized situations.
Those hours can be spent in various positions of talking, lying, playing, reading or just lazying around.
Color, which is directly connected to mood, can be changed by simply choosing different upholstery that suits the teenager's preference.


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