
Meander by Megan Wu from usa

designer's own words:

With the fast pace moving world we live in, many people are too focused on the destination and forget to enjoy the small details in their surroundings. Meander aims to make the expected a little unexpected, and in effect create small moments of joy in everyday life. While most would find rain a hindrance to their daily travels, we found opportunity in transforming the rain into an enjoyable journey. Anticipation is composed of a certain amount of surprise and unknown, which we strive to achieve through an ephemeral path that only appears on rainy days. The path is composed of two materials, one is porous while the other is non-porous; This allows for the rain to collect in all the non-porous areas, and drain in the porous areas. We hope that by creating Meander, we are able to revive the childish curiosity within the passerby, and incorporate a sense of anticipation within an everyday routine.

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