ME-TAB by Nagy Franciska from hungary

designer's own words:

The lifestyle which induced by the rushing world and the modern technology continously degrade our health. The most common diseases like diabetes and overweight can be originated from bad nutrition. In our team opinion these can be prevented by the confrontation. A new device which is capable to instruct the users to keep in mind their health would radically develop. A whistle like device could analyze the content of the breath, measure the level of fructose, lactose and calculate the metabolic power level. This device could be used before and after eating to follow the precise level of these values and make suggestions about what to change in eating habits. The device changes the feedback color based on the body metabolic level. The measured data can be collected to make statistics which is good base to change our eating habits. The data can be synchronized with mobile phone for better user interface. It can help to weight loss, to do diet and it shows what nutrients need that person. That device can help for the morbidly obese people or the diabetic to send regular data for the doctors.

Me-tab meter
In use
Controlling statistic system