mattress, mattress on the wall

mattress, mattress on the wall by from

designer's own words:

The most common thing teenagers do is to cover the walls of their room with posters, thus expressing themselves and their desires.
We took this fact and reinterpreted it in our project.
When not in use, the mattress is hung on the wall by use of a system of shelves that we designed in the space that is formed behind it. Once we remove the mattress the shelves are surprisingly revealed and so the space is also used for storage
of books, CDs and even the guest's pillow.
After the guest has left, we hang the mattress back on the wall and replace the sheet; That way the appearance of the bed changes aswell.
Actually, the sheet itself becomes a platform of expression - it functions as a poster on the wall.
The bed is thin and light so that the teenager can easily handle it by himself.
"Mattress, mattress on the wall" takes the experience of hospitality to a new edge, leaving it's mark on the room's visibility.

Mattress hung on the wall

mattress2.jpg Setting Mattress for the guest