mat by ruth gurvich from france
designer's own words:
MAT it’s a white porcelain table set
At the beginning there is a piece of paper…
Drawing, cutting folding, sticking together pieces of paper are the formal bases of the table set, the base of the object. Each piece: plate, bowl, tea pot, salad dish takes the print of the model and shows his building principle.
With his whiteness, fineness and lightness porcelain reflexes the essence of paper and his human fragility. Outside the porcelain biscuit answers the lustreless of paper and inside is enamelled to make practical for use.
Because of their morphology and the way they catch the light the pieces of porcelain placed at the table reminds a still life representation, an art installation. MAT gives the possibility of a creative and diversity way in setting the table.
porcelaine prototypes
paper models
paper models