
marshmallows by 55011204 from japan

designer's own words:


Upon building the sofa, I started by asking fundamental questions such as “what shape will naturally invite a person?” and “what shape is comfortable for sitting?” An appealing look was essential to the work, as I hoped to create a sofa that stirs curiosity upon pass-byers yet at the same time have an inviting quality. Paper clay was used to build its conceptual design, experimenting with different size, shape, and structure. The end result was a sofa where large marshmallow-like cushions are gathered upon each other to create a work that induces motion, yet be comfortable at the same time.

The structure allows one to explore different sitting positions. The children in the photos were given the opportunity to explore my sofa, and without any explanation they curiously experimented with different sitting positions, climbing the sofa and sitting in odd positions to their liking. Although this sofa was not built specifically for children, it was my impression that the children intuitively understood my intentions of inducing motion through the sofa.


Round-shaped styrofoam balls were attached to wooden frames that function as joints for each pillow. Each piece was covered with two types of urethane foam and a stretchable cloth.

sofa up 01 marshmallows sofa up 02 [jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=”″] video

marshmallows sofa marshmallows sofa + child 01 marshmallows sofa + child 02 marshmallows sofa + child 03