Maria e Júlio Flag

Maria e Júlio Flag by maria varagilal from portugal

designer's own words:

This project began with the pursuit of the representation of the brand, trough a simple yet efficient icon. With that gold in mind, and looking to easy the recognition of the brand, we started to do some drawing studies of an open moleskine black notebook, that then evolved to a drawing of a closed moleskine black notebook.
However the icon was not enough, and as it was mandatory the use of the word Moleskinerie, we decided to match the icon with de word, which we did by overlapping the icon with the letter "M". Doing so allowed us to complement the word with the icon, transforming completely the graphic image of the brand and giving us the final result of the logo structure. Nevertheless we weren't satisfied with the lettering chosen so we change it rounding off some of the parts of the lettering.
Last but not least, we choose the colors, a fundamental part of the project, which were black to the icon because of the color of the product, and grey to the word, a neutral color, that transmitted the mobility of the brand identity.