MARBLE-LED by jean eric menezes from france

designer's own words:

Marble-Led is about versatility. It brings you the power of choosing, how and where do you want illuminate your life!

Marble-Led is a today lamp. It’s based on actual technology: RFID for spatial recognition and wireless communication between your mobile device and the marbles, Leds, and induction powering.

You can control the colour with your phone or your tablet, changing from white, to green, to blue…even mix the colours between each marbles by the percentage of each ones in the vase!

In exterior environment, the municipality can control the percentage of marbles lightened to control the light in the street. Because the needs in urban city is always changing, Marble-Led respond to this problematic with a capacity of variation in every candelabrum.

The concept is to make your light a new subtract. You can control the amount of light, it is an ecological approach who reconnect people with the needs of energy. When you want to switch off your light, you take the marbles away, when you want more lights you just fill up your vase!

In that way Marble-Led can be put into interior or exterior environment.
Marble-led is a new way to light your home and your city!

Frontal view of Marble-Led device
Perspective view of Marble-Led device

The light increase with the amount of marbles
How and when does it work
Marble-Led is a exterior device
Marble-Led can be use as lighting control device.