mani by pazit offner-dines from israel
designer's own words:
”mani - something to lean on” is a product for teenagers, based on the concept of “leaning on a friend”- both physically and emotionally.
Mani is a mattress combined with a chair, which can change into a few leaning positions: back, legs, arms and neck. It can be a chair to sit on or a mattress to lay on. One can do homework, play video games, listen to I-pod, or just have a chat with a friend.
Mani can adjust itself to any chosen position and can be placed wherever one wants, on the bed, on the floor, in the living room or in bedroom.
Technology: mani is made of 2 soft plastic moulds, between which are implanted 6 joints. Each joint can move or be locked separately by using light pressure.
Design: mani is a 3d pictogram (with light design changes). Colors for choice - black or red, for a “cool” look. Its surface is soft and velvety and its presence improves the living space design.
It has a simple, aesthetic and minimalist design, which nonetheless makes any teenager feel warm and cozy.
mani-position 1
mani-position 2