making the invisible visible

making the invisible visible by agustín andré from uruguay

designer's own words:

*** moleskine = nomad + creative + portable + contemporary *** moleskine now = 100% recongnizable = copperplate ok *** copperplate = serif * copperplate = manuscrite * cooperplate = traditional *** moleskine initially = physical *** moleskine now = physical + digital!!! *** now = motion * now = dinamic * now = new products * now = more supports * now = new materials *** now = constantly new *** digital = sans serif * nomad = traveler = global presence = recognizable in the world *** then I think you only need: more clearly & simplicity (..and equal or greater impact) = something now + a new simple type (similar) = copperplate gothic bold image + helvetica Neue Medium Extended **** excerpt from a chat: ...fw_goudy: i am type // msk2011: ok, tks, ..give me the "m" // fw_goudy: only the "m"? // msk2011:yes, your asymmetric m ,..caps only ;) // f.w.goudy: and the rest? // msk2011: you are going to stay in the image,..and try to strive to welcome the other type, ..see you ...


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