Making our Story

Making our Story by paulo jorge francisco soares from portugal

designer's own words:

apart from the physical place where people are, whether they travel a lot or are always at the same place, what counts and makes the difference is their interpretation of the surrounding world.

stephen hawking personifies the moleskine attitude of unlimited and free thinking.

when people give wings to their imagination and intuition the mental concepts that come into mind are placeless. no matter where they are the power of human minds imagination has the capacity to cross all the frontiers, distances and even time.
he represents the curious, the dreamer, the tenacious, the creative and free minded person identity that are more able to make the difference in our world. furthermore
s. hawking is more physically limited than any other average person and to top of it he is one of the persons that knows more about the outer space than any other what is a truth life lesson for anyone.

people give a part of themselves to the world when creating new and innovative ideas, that sharing make them to assume a commitment with the audience. more than a brand
or behaviour, moleskine has a personality that makes it special. is not about where they are, what is their occupation, who they know, what are the limitations, what really counts is their way of thinking.

to honour this way of thinking people feel the need to share and show others their work in order to continue to build the thinking/visual culture. that’s why people live in communities and when a personal ideia strikes the group benefits and change their view about the world.
a community is builded by the plurality and sintheticity of many ideas and creates its own identity.


moleskineriepresentation2.jpg First idea concept

moleskineriepresentation3.jpg Introduction

moleskineriepresentation4.jpg Concept

moleskineriepresentation5.jpg About the Blog

moleskineriepresentation6.jpg Logotype