Magnetic Chinese Painting by TZH from taiwan
designer's own words:
In one day, people observe the weather in day and night by examining the light's or air's temperature.Therefore, people are always curious about time.
In eastern ink wash painting, it's a matter of patience and determination. It's also a work that needs time and the spirit of Dhyana to create. Therefore, the piece can have the artist's spirit in it. The time that was devoted into it can also make the work more valuable.
Combine the eastern ink wash painting and time machine can make people feel the beauty of time-drawing.
Magnetic Chinese Painting
About magnetic clock and people are always curious about time.
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Due to magnetic force, a pointer which has a magnet caliber can use magnetic powder as media and show us the time-flow. Under the time-flow, the paper’s ups and downs can make the magnetic powder have an ink wash effect.
Break the magnet into pieces and mill it into powder. Replace the ink’s character with magnetic powder.
Zen ideas
The magnetic powder moving on paper due to magnetic force.The paper’s ups and downs can make the magnetic powder have an ink wash effect.