Magic Safebox by leung kam biu setmund from china
designer's own words:
When the old safe deposit box or metal cabinet will be throw away in bank or office, we can reconstruct and recycle that. They may deposit massive things which can also be classified neatly, it therefore suits for the furniture design.
This magic safebox combines of many cabinet barrels and each cabinet barrel’s size is 150 mm(H) x 300 mm(W).
This furniture can be used by one to two persons. As a whole, it looks likes an ordinary cabinet. However, after opening different numbers of cabinet barrels of different positions, it may then turn to different variations - a bed, the dining table, the game platform, the study desk, space for television, a workplace and so on. Some of the top barrels and all the lowest barrels can all be opened for placing mattress and cushions, saving space and with beautiful effect. Moreover, even when it turns to different furniture combination, it’s size still meets the kinesiology (human engineering) requirement. For example, the dinning table is 750 mm above the ground amd it is convenient and comfortable.
Since this furniture has to support heavy weight firmly, it has to be made in material of stainless steel board/plate. Moreover, its internal structure has to be specially designed. The rear part of each cabinet barrelis of a complete set of tubular, with different sized stieel pipes and rail (runner), it can then support heavy weight safely.
As to conclude, other than massive storage, this magic safebox can turn to different furniture combination serving multi-purposes. This design really suits the needs of those people living in limited space, such as those single-parent family.
Magic Safebox
Magic Safebox