Magic Paper

Magic Paper by joel rocha from portugal

designer's own words:

Proposal 01
The logo presented represents the dynamism that characterizes the way that Moleskinerie blog publishes its news or interesting new products.
The idea is based on two pages of a Moleskine’s notebook.
Each page was divided into 6 equal parts. There were made two folds: one at the top of the page and the other at the bottom, so that it could be formed the letter M, the initial of Moleskine.
The font used was Helvetica Neue 95 Helvetica Neue 55 Black and Ronan because of its simplicity and elegance that characterizes the brand and to the blog.
The colour was selected Pantone 4495 C. The choice fell on this colour because it is predominately yellow which is the
tone of Moleskine’s sheets.

Proposal 02
Being Moleskine the brand of notebooks, I tried to combine the informatics and the paper support. To sum up, there was designed a notebook inside of a portable computer. Inside the monitor there are two sheets that symbolize the posts of the Blog.
The font used was Clan Bold and Clan Book because it of its simplicity and elegancy that represent the brand and the blog.
The colour used is the pantone 404 C, which is a neutral colour that represents success and quality.

Proposal 03
I thought in 2 pages of a Moleskine’s notebook, and made two folds so that it could be formed a letter M
The font used was the Din Din Regular and Bold, it was chosen because of its simplicity and because it combines with the icon.
The colour used is the Pantone 1595 C. This colour was chosen because of its energy and movement , while preserving the tone of the current logo.

Magic M

logo_moleskinerie_p02.jpg Notebook web

logo_moleskinerie_p03.jpg M Pronouced