LVRQ 90th BD _ Beloved Cheese Box, Ha!ppyBirthday,1921 2011 Poster

LVRQ 90th BD _ Beloved Cheese Box, Ha!ppyBirthday,1921 2011 Poster by remy chevarin from france

designer's own words:

first, i developed a special anniversary logo to commemorate the LVQR 90th anniversary and this, in order to protect original brand identity integrity, and, centered the brand identity at the heart of all the various designs ideations.
using the 90th bd event logo associated with the various iconic elements (the Cicle Box, Cheese portion triangle, Sidebox stripes and LUV sign)

1 BelovedCheeseBox BLUE

90th_beloved_cheese_box__red_stripes.jpg 2 BelovedCheeseBox RED

2011_lvqr_designcompetitionvivelafrance.jpg 3 BelovedCheeseBox Blue RED

90th_belovedcheesebox_blueredstripes.jpg 4 BelovedCheeseBox Blue Red 2

90th_happybirthday.jpg 5 Ha!ppy Birthday

90th_lvqranniversary_90yrsoflaugh_poster.jpg 6 1921-2011 BD Poster