Luminescence as inspiration to design: SuNight, Pocket Sun and Accordion Light by Naike Cogliati from italy
designer's own words:
I chose to design research within the corridor of electroluminescence.
My goal was to use an innovative material such as OLED, self-powered, combined with the future technology ( rapid prototyping ), in order to achieve the important goal of ethical energy savings.
SuNight therefore born from the idea of getting a light versatile, eco-friendly, which exploits the phenomenon of electroluminescence through an Oled powered by a small solar panel.
Thinking about how to provide meaning a light source self-sufficient and sustainable inserting it in a particular context, I thought to
contextualize it as humanitarian aid, embodied in a versatile light for survival, first aid , which could be provided by a non-profit organization (ONG) .
I, as a designer, I might decide to do a little self- financing to produce SuNight, sell them to the western countries, invest earnings to produce SuNight to donate to ONGs that distribute them to the community off-grid , thereby improving living conditions.
Always remaining in the hallway research electroluminescence I designed two other products that use the technology OLED
supported by solar cells , which make them self-sufficient : Pocket- Sun ( useful portable light source ) and Accordion Light
( light furniture very thin ).
These last two are products that bear witness in particular, the dematerialization of the light that tends to assume new forms,
far from the classic types.
SuNight: concept
SuNight: environments of use
Pocket-Sun: concept
Pocket-Sun: environments of use
Accordion Light: concept and environments of use
Accordion Light: concept and environments of use