
Lumindle by stefanos stefou from greece

designer's own words:

Lumindle is a simple door handle. Its design follows a simple straight form of a slightly rounded square section. A simple twist was added to make the design more interesting at sight but keep it within the boarders of minimalism and seriousness. Materials didn't have to be non-traditional so aluminum and chrome were chosen to represent the economical, ergonomic, easy to produce and always traditional design of the handle. And as said that the path between innovation and traditional design forms is narrow a simple detail would be enough to do the job. A gap at the tip of the handle contains a ring of luminous plastic. A simple but useful add that can help you find the handle in the dark. Easy for everyone to find his way in or out when light is absent.

Lumindle 1

untitled.303.jpg Lumindle 2

untitled.306.jpg Lumindle 3

untitled.293.jpg Lumindle in the dark

untitled.294.jpg Lumindle in the dark 2

untitled.297.jpg Lumindle in the dark 3