lumb chorase by jay patel from uk
designer's own words:
I tried to abstract a basic geometric element, like cube, rectangular plane. It is very regular and rightly satisfies the requirement of human ergonomics for door handle. It looks different from all angles and seems bold composition of square and rectangle or squares in different sizes.
It evokes the complete look of architecture style of Ar. Gerrit rietveld . Like play of basic shapes in different sizes.
Handle is composition of square and rectangular planes, the angled edge of the rectangular plane create delicate feeling of handle whereby once we try to open the door then one can realize that square plane is also attach to rectangular plane, quality of lightness in composition is the important key of Ar. Gerrit rietveld which I tried to bring in door handle design.
Finish: chrome and matt chrome.
Front view- close condition
Front view- open condition
Differrent view
Different view