Lughbo lamp by dain hyoun from japan
designer's own words:
What do you think about if you can create energy by yourself?
Lughbo is a lamp using the sunlight and phosphorescent (glow-in-the-dark) technology.
You can use this lamp by the energy which you produced. Only thing you need to do is Go out and just enjoy the sun!
Phosphorescent is very popular for emergency exit sign or decoration. But we never used to its maximum capacity. Through some experimentation at the first visit to World No.1 market share company for phosphorescent pigment, I thought it might be possible to create the lamp without electricity. If clear some of the conditions it beams enough brightness for reading. They are also working with brighter pigment. So, there are many potentials on phosphorescent.
There are several merits of phosphorescent lamp. Initial cost is low, mechanical things are not necessary, short charge time; it will be full charge in 5 to 10 min by sunlight., maintenance free, semi-permanent and so on. So, even the children can read a book at night who live in an area with no electricity. And also release many students from concerns about the cost of electricity.
For maximum brightness, use 1 mm in diameter particle phosphorescent pigment and mix or cover with transparent materials such as paint, fiber and soft PVC then make the form.
I am a power plant for my light.
Gathering to make big light!
How to use Lughbo lamp.