ltr lighting tree for readers

ltr lighting tree for readers by Lizy Kang from korea

designer's own words:

Everytime you go to a bookstore or a library, the most common thing you do is reading books to check. While you read a book, you get to concentrait on it and get emotional for a while.
Furthermore, you will be much more satisfied if you had such emotional atmosphere around you.
For this, we need emotional design for bookstores and libraries.

LTR(Lighting Tree for Readers) is a public lighting system based on the shape of Spot Flim which will generously provide OLED light to readers with 200*50 OLED cell in a bookstore and a library.
With its beautiful lighting, you would be able to sentimentalize and relax under this tree.
There are eight OLED lighings on a ivory fabric sofa for readers so many people can sit and read for a while.
It has Cell-touching on/off system to make it simple to turn on or off and the stems of the lightings are made of soft plastic with flexible wire inside, so you can easily adjust the location of lightings or shape of stems.
Leaves are designed slim to make it have light waight.

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