lotus stool residues series by rodrigo calixto from brazil
designer's own words:
Lotus stool – residues series
Lotus stool is an object which reveals a seek for investigation design through observation and forms constant study. This dynamic leads to a gradual development of the object and the transformation of the raw material, the wood.
For sketching the stool, the starting point was the search for a seat that defers from convectional round or squared seats we are used to see. The result is a seat composed by the overlapping of symmetrical round shapes, to which the legs, slightly conical, gives a harmonious set.
The Lotus stool – residues series – reproduces one of the designers goals and concerns: the conscientious and rational use of the raw material. Put residues from early produced products to use in the new project is an exercise which contributes for cleaning the space and desobstruction of the space used to storage early residues.
There so, lotus stool does not only represents an aesthetic reformulation, but, over all represents a search for fulfilling quality demanding request from people who are concerned about environmental issues.
lotus stool
lotus stool