
loop by Tiago Sónia Bioucas Lourenço from portugal

designer's own words:

Time is motion. It's like a pulsating force that keeps things moving and never stops.It drives people, makes things flow and the world go round.

Loop comes from the idea of continuous movement. The name itself remembers us the property of time to reset and start all over again, like a never ending cycle.

The concept was developed on the intention of suggesting the idea of movement through space marking the presence of time on the watch. This is achieved by using a clean surface with lights that travel over it.

Made from aluminum and using CNC machinery processes, the surface has several micro holes that allow the LED lights underneath it to signalize time. Minutes are indicated by 60 outer marks, while hours by 12 inner marks.

Additionally, the leather bracelet is removable, allowing costumized use of the watch. It also has magnets inside, which enables the bracelet to adjust properly to the wrist of its user.

Main loop Concept loop Details loop Dimensions loop Colors