LOL! by miha kosmac from slovenia

designer's own words:

my intention was to represent the lvqr iconic smiling cow as the most iconic smile we all know and use on daily basis, the simple smiley first seen in 1963. also the slogan lol (laughing out loud) since 1921 or rofl (rolling on the floor laughing) for 90 years is on point because this is the ultimate expression of laugh in internet language. also lvqr is abbreviation itself so lvqr ftw works perfectly. the customers can indentify themselves with the image because it is really what they do everyday in texts, facebook or emails. also a good promotion besides the posters, shirts and bags, could be a phone and email application or simple upgrade of the smiley icons system.


copy_7_3.jpeg Icons

copy_4_4.jpeg SMS

copy_4_5.jpeg FB

copy_4_6.jpeg Smart Phone