lixo no lixo?

lixo no lixo? by rafael chimicatti from brazil

designer's own words:

This 2 first works use the universal "man throwing trash in the basket" icon, but in a subverted way. It´s a strong and direct message, once is constructed with simple vector lines and is known all around the world. The green color, usually associated with ambiental care matters, criates a conflit interaction with the "man in the basket over a trash mountain" icon, a situation not ambientally correct at all. I bilieve this irony is important to increase the message power to chock and raise awareness. And it´s an easy work to adapt for different types of media.
The third work, even using the same icon, goes in another direction. It's a more complex fotographic image, showing all the stuff that are "out" instead of "in" the basket. The visual polution is related to the real situation around the streets.

