live moleskine

live moleskine by cristina mampaso from spain

designer's own words:

what "create" means? when we started thinking about the logo design we realized that in order to reach the requirements a logo should have we had to go further! we had to really created it with our hands in the same way we create our moleskine with our words and thoughts. it had to be physical, it had to be adaptable to any circumstance as the network is, it had to be versatile to ant size and position and it had to be a window to the world. so we decided to make a stencil out of brown cardboard and to experience the fact of creating a logo and show the world the possibility of sharing your stories and legends through a window on-line. We painted the logo on the street as we write words on paper. This has been our way to make our moleskine.


copy_0_moleskinerie_bw.jpg B/W

copy_0_moleskinerie_web.jpg Web

moleskinerie_iconweb.jpg Icon web

moleskinerie_stencils.jpg Stencils

moleskinerievideo.swf.swf Video