live by andrey savchenko from ukraine
designer's own words:
this version of the doorknob concerns not solely a handle design. It offers a new look at a comprehensive solution for door design in general. the handle itself is a crucial element of the concept, whereby the demands to a door leaf are reduced to a minimum.
the very handle can be made from a plate of 5 - 7 mm thick, which should be ergonomically shaped in a given stylistic way defined by the main interior problem, such as, for example, a door to a nursery. in accordance with the chosen style, different kind of material can be used - metal, organic glass, laminated wood, plastic, artificial stone, etc. the package must contain a number of labels, the shape and a colour of which will create a compound design of the door. besides, by changing only a set of handles, consumer can easily change the design of the door as a whole. this fact has a beneficial effect on the product life cycle that, respectively, increases the intensity of sales during a given period of time.