Little Water Pen by hoi shan pang from china
designer's own words:
The concept of "Little Water Pen" is develop from those viviparous seedlings are called droppers and common name is "Kandelia obovata". It is the seedlings of mangroves. Its elongated shape, with a sharp end, looks like a Chinese brush-hence its Chinese name, "Little Water Pen". Many organisms are living in the mangrove forests. By visiting the mangroves, you can watch the shrubs, the birds and the crabs.
An interdependent relationship in the circle of nature was established between the many kinds of living things inside mangrove forests. There is high ecological and economic value of mangroves, such as maintaining ecological balance of the nature, foraging and living places for wildlife, reducing water pollution, etc.
By using the "Little Water Pen" as a real pen to remind people there is a very complex ecosystem, a food chain relationship and an energy transfer process, which play an imperative role in ecological balance of the nature.
Research reference
Concept drawing
Model of the