ligth fibre bench

ligth fibre bench by krasimir savchev from bulgaria

designer's own words:

when we are thinking about idea for green life, and the first thing we remember is it must be in harmony with nature and what best way to do this from making a connection when we are close or in the nature. And what better way to connect from this to sit, look and listen , but the problem is we have good visual connection with nature only on daylight . Our main idea is to increase the connection between nature and city environment .We achieve this first with our the bench design – it is simply understandable for the eyes, stone form, which not just creates calm in air around it, but with allowing freely moving the air in , it become a part of the nature, and for that reason we use a recycle kind of plastic. Second thing - we made the bench glows without using a electricity or light source inside it, the only thing we need is a built in the ground light to put the foot of the bench (where were built in optical fibers) and after that our bench will glows. We thing this way of lighting will not just improve the lighting – a less more light will be lost of lighting the spaces, but it will gives us the opportunity for longer visual connection with the nature .
We are sure, it can helps to the big cities to have more green, more eco, more lighten, more connected to the nature, city environment ,which emits clam harmony.

