light as a feather by bradley rothenberg from usa
designer's own words:
LIGHT AS A FEATHER, is a study in BINARY SYSTEMS, a system that has two states: ON of OFF. A surface of feathers(with embedded fans), can either be ON or OFF. When ON: the fan blow's the feather up; a pore is created in the surface -- you can see through the surface. When OFF: The feather floats down; the momentary fissure closes -- you can't see through anymore...
The variations that happen whilst going from one state to the next, throughout the surface generate varying amounts of porosity, constantly changing and adapting to the surrounding environment.
MOVEMENT becomes WIND: video camera's that are embedded in the surface pick up movement towards & away from the surface. FANS pulse in the direction of the movement, producing moments of porosity/moments of clarity...
A custom acrylic scaffolding supports the fans & feathers making this realizable. Custom software is written for the arduino platform, bringing the piece to life.
FIELD CONDITION — (CURVES REPRESENT FEATHERS) WALL PROTOTYPE: FAN ON, FEATHER UP, SEE-THROUGH [jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=”https://static.designboom.com/wp-content/compsub/325213/2012-12-30/video_1_1356859782_e90c94710dd4f20aa58a2396d312207c.mp4″] video
WALL PROTOTYPE: FAN OFF, FEATHER DOWN, OBSTRUCTED VIEW [jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=”https://static.designboom.com/wp-content/compsub/325213/2012-12-30/video_2_1356859782_dc55affe2d0f2c9fb2fd8bcc3003e7d6.mp4″] video