light by hugo santos from portugal
designer's own words:
After a research on OLED technology, its dimensions and qualities, we realize that a change in the way of seeing the lighting could come from a very simple object, whose shape could contribute 100% towards its function, that is lighten.
For this project we chose to use the flexible OLEDs (200x50mm) because it allowed us to create a harmony between the object and the areas where it would be placed on various surfaces such as (wall, ceiling or tables) using the hypothesis to curve it to obtain two plans of illumination. We decided to include ten flexible OLED lighting to resemble the amount of a 60 w bulb which is commonly used in homes. The OLEDs are fully coated of translucent white plastic from the inside and the outside so that when the object is off it gets all white. The base of the object, in which the electronic system will be integrated, is of aluminum material.
“the sense of LIGHT”
Our slogan conveys our desire to give a new meaning to the lighting and also of exploring it. We took advantage of the ability of this technology to reduce the object to its essential, and to what it is made for, to illuminate.
Doing a brief research on lighting in general it is easy to see that there is a greater amount of materials and components in a lamp, over a good lighting, making of them most of the times, simple decorative objects. In this project we wanted to reverse this situation by creating an object that provides quality of light and had a good integration in space, as if it were part of them.
In a formal way we based our work in the principle of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe who defends that "Less is more" to get a shape that integrates better in the surfaces in which it is going to be applied.
This way,the object assumed the "L" shape giving this idea that it is born from the surface and integrates itself in the same surface since it has a simetric shape. The base in aluminium is as back as possible so that it doesn't interfere with the perception of only two plans of light coming from the surface.
Our biggest concern was not to create just another lamp. Instead we wanted to create lighting.
We were also concerned about making a versatile object with a system of covers ( two on the sides and one on the aluminium surface) which allows the use of the same object in different surfaces like tables, walls or ceiling. One of the side covers allows the connection of the power cable to light on surfaces, like tables or desks. The other side cover includes a button that allows to turn off or on the light. In turn, the bottom lid enables connection of electric wires in the case of wanting to place the object on walls or ceilings. Although it may present only one size, it is possible to resize the object depending on the needs of light intensity in diferente kinds of spaces, though some of them require more and others less light.
In this project, we were allways concerned, in one hand, by transmiting a new way of seeing ilumination or in giving it a new sense to the enlightenment but also to be possible to produce on the dates provided by LG.
The name "LIGHT" comes from all these considerations, its the explanation of is concept in a word, its purpose, which is to light.
Table lamp. In this version, you must include the power button and the power cable to the mains. Both side covers must be removed in order to conect the two elements. Wall Lamp. For this option, you must remove the lid from the aluminum base to proceed to connection of the electrical cables from the wall. [jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=”https://static.designboom.com/wp-content/compsub/244059/2013-05-10/video_1_1368222293_421b47ffd946ca083b65cd668c6b17e6.flv” html5_file=”https://static.designboom.com/wp-content/compsub/244059/2013-05-10/video_1_1368222293_421b47ffd946ca083b65cd668c6b17e6.flv” download_file=”https://static.designboom.com/wp-content/compsub/244059/2013-05-10/video_1_1368222293_421b47ffd946ca083b65cd668c6b17e6.flv”]video
Ceiling lamp. In this procedure, the process is the same as fixing on the wall, unscrew the base cover and make the proper connections.
Representation of the exploded view. 1. Plastic liner inside that’ll be fixed to the aluminum base and support the OLEDS. 2. Plate of 5 OLEDS. 3. Translucent white plastic coating plate for the OLEDS. 4. Lid. 5. Aluminum base, which are coupled the electronic system.
Integration of the lamp in a living space with a view of the three alternative positions.
Different views and dimensions of the object (European orthogonal projection – 1:5 scale – Dimensions in mm)