LifeScreen by Marie-Chantal from canada
designer's own words:
Medias are probably now behind the most changes in our society. Digital devices have given infinite scopes to memory and new definitions to social trends. Individuals evolve side by side the medias, making up their own story over a mutual reflection, just as an on-going real-time mirror.
Customs towards death are interlocked with the past, expressing thus the thoughtful meaning of traditions. LifeScreen is a recall to life, celebrating our new electronic and 'medialized' era.
The project is hereby presented as building on its own, although the concept is highly flexible and stands on two main ideas: the media façade and the memory book, that can be integrated to existing public realms, either buildings or infrastructures.
If cemeteries have once been in the center of the cities beside churches, the media facade aims to reinterpret to symbolism attached to graves and following the convictions that remembrances have to come back within the heart of our metropolis.
As a metaphor to the contemporary social medias and its structure, the MemoryBook focuses on a spiritual approach to genealogy, creating family portraits through in a continuum of meaningful information. Knowledge about our origins is significant in the understanding of our own identity. Memories bring inspiration and can be a solace in the bereavement process. LifeScreen set-up for sharing memories and pursuing a close dialogue with the community.
front view
floor plans
interior view
main entrance