Libertà by Gabriel Almanzar

Libertà by Gabriel Almanzar by gabriel almanzar from colombia

designer's own words:

the creative process
based on the shapes of some birds’ feathers, I designed this door handle.
the process was simple: I took different types of bird feathers and outlined their basic geometry and used it as starting point to generate a couple of proposals, then they were modeled in 3d which allowed me to play with the shapes and refine a final option.

the concept
what is a door? a connection,a threshold, a path;.is related to freedom, change of environments . the door handle is the vehicle to all this...the feather and the wing have the same relationship for the birds.

that is why I chose feathers for developing the concept and came up with the name “libertà” (freedom).

the final alternative was based on the wood stork flying feathers.


liberta2.jpg Development