LEXUS Urban Transport Concept

LEXUS Urban Transport Concept by N.Scarborough from uk

designer's own words:

LEXUS Urban Transport Concept

Taking inspiration from numerous experiences with urban, city commutes this concept focused on the practicality and the impact of design, on its consumer. After researching the subject thoroughly, a clear, open market was apparent and with research suggesting this market is rapidly expanding this concept would allow for commercial success. Taking consideration of the needs of the consumer, a varied range of design concepts were produced, focusing on many aspects of the urban environment and experimenting with different technologies and aesthetics.
After analysis and comparing the concepts produced, a detailed design development process took place in order to reach a ideal final concept. The design of this concept used research of the existing offerings from the Lexus brand and a consideration of the brand's aesthetic themes were used in order for the product to be in-keeping with the brand.
The technology and processes that the concept would require in its use and manufacture were carefully scrutinised with special consideration to the production feasibility, manufacturing costs and the possible effects these will have on the possible target market.

Existing Product Design Research: Moodboard surrounding the current market offerings.
LEXUS Urban Transport Concept
Market Research and Initial Concepts: Infographics of market possibilities and a look into possible concepts.
LEXUS Urban Transport Concept
Idea Exploration / Generation: A series of hand sketched work using markers, developing on concept ideas.
LEXUS Urban Transport Concept
Final Concept Design Aesthetic And Information: Illustrated, rendered final presentation of the finished design concept.
LEXUS Urban Transport Concept
Final Design Concept Materials And Technology: An insight into the possible technology which could be used to fully engage the concept.