lexus motion concept junihitoe

lexus motion concept junihitoe by Riccardo from italy

designer's own words:

The theme for the LEXUS DESIGN AWARD 2012 is “MOTION”.
Our daily lives are continuously filled with motion. The motion of things, the motion of people. Moving people’s hearts.
Shifting consciousness. Moving information, society and time. Leaving lingering effects. Triggering chain reactions.
It’s a theme that Lexus will keep working on. How to define 'Motion' is up to you.
We’re looking for 'DESIGN' that responds to various issues in daily life in relation to 'Motion' and provides solutions.

In the future the concept of MOTION will certainly be different compared to nowadays.
Let’s imagine a simple movement of persons or objects from A to B, as fast, simple, ecologic, elegant, luxurious and funny as possible.
Lexus will develop vehicles meeting the demands of progressive luxury :
- Past: decor, gold, splendor, large.
- Future: minimalism, purism material, small...

The vehicles will be design to solves problems like traffic, incidents, smog, unclear signs... through: car sharing, gps systems control, zero emission, park of pollutant vehicles out of city, customizing, green area, information screens, aerodynamic forms, touch displays, photovoltaic panels, car sharing...

The concept consists in a vehicle that could be completely transformable based on the occurence.
We can divede it in 2 parts:
1. private basic vehicle (only frame and mechanics)
2. cabin cell can be private or rent like car sharing.

Introduction: inspiration and problem solving lexus motion concept junihitoe Sketch research 1 lexus motion concept junihitoe Sketch research 2 lexus motion concept junihitoe Sketch research 3 lexus motion concept junihitoe One final proposal with technical views and family felling research 1 lexus motion concept junihitoe One final proposal 2