
Letterskine by carlos bonet abad from spain

designer's own words:

how to design a logo that must include a long word such as "moleskinerie"?
adding a drawing to the word would result in a too complicated solution. a logo needs to be visually powerful enough yet simple. the word "moleskinerie" should be the logo itself.
a moleskine is a very recognizable object: rectangular, with right and curved corners and the distinctive elastic band. the typography developed keeps all these features, so every letter resembles a moleskine notebook. black is the main color, but the logo can be displayed in any plain color different from the background. another possibility is to use only the letter "m", to have a reduced and more abstract version, to be used for example as an icon.

black on white

2__letterskine_wb.jpg white on black

3_letterskine_geometry.jpg geometry

6_letterskine_icon.jpg icon logo

4_letterskine_cover.jpg logo on a notebook

5_letterskine_notebook.jpg logo on a “screen”