LEGO PLAY by Su - Hyeon Byeon from korea

designer's own words:

Concept 1st)
Just like LEGO series, it is a DIY product that users assemble each separate parts. Since users could participate in a designing process they will have chance to feel attachment to it.
Concept 2nd)

LEGO PLAY looks like a toy but it is actually a electronic product which is possible to be reformed. Instead of purchasing new products, with its compatibility, users could modify the old product as their wishes.
LEGO PLAY is not only for consuming and abandoning. They will love this product and will last long.

Concept 3rd)
our good is a DIY product which is composed by a module.
the user can indirectly experience design by taking part in the manufacturing process.
Through this experience, they would also feel attached to the product not be able to discard it easily. The user would have an appreciation and understanding for how the product was designed

product image

copy_0_legoplay5000.jpg vision & idea sketch